
Zulfikar Ahmed (Managing Director)
About Us

We are United IT Services

United IT Services, a client-centric 80 million plus company, is headquartered in Delhi with branches in NCR, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, Indore, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, etc. Established in 2014, it swiftly emerged as a premier IT Rental Solution Provider, acquiring computeronhire.com. Boasting over 150% consistent growth, United IT Services offers a one-stop solution for purchasing or renting leading brands' Desktops, Laptops, Servers, Storage, Printers, Networking equipment, Apple Products, and accessories. Tailored rentals with competitive rates are available for Desktops, Laptops, Printers, Storage, Servers, Apple Products, and Networking equipment.
Years Of Experience
10+ years delivering tailored solutions with unmatched service excellence.
Cities Covered
Reliable services span 200+ cities with our extensive and comprehensive coverage.

Our Rental Services

Unlock top-tier equipment rental solutions tailored for events and IT professionals. Elevate your projects with our reliable and versatile offerings.

Contact us

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Experience efficiency with our quick and personalized quotation service. Submit your details, and our team will promptly provide you with a tailored quote, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience.

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Computer on Hire form

Our help desk is ready to assist. Feel free to contact us for any inquiries at your convenience.

Help Desk 24h/7


We are very glad to get client review.

We express deep gratitude for client reviews, which offer valuable insights and contribute to our ongoing enhancement. Your feedback holds immense value, guiding our commitment to continuous improvement. Your perspectives are invaluable, shaping our services, and we genuinely appreciate your vital role in our journey of growth and excellence.


Welcome to Our Blog

Explore innovation at United IT Services Blog—your go-to for IT equipment rental insights. Stay updated on trends, solutions, and seamless technology integration. Trust us for top-notch equipment tailored to your evolving needs.

Telephone number


Office address

L - 310, 2nd Floor, Street No. 7, Mahipalpur Extension, New Delhi - India - 110037

Mail address



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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)